Interesting Myths and Facts about Constipation
If you have never suffered with constipation before then think yourself lucky. Constipation is a condition that is not generally considered to be life-threatening, although in some extreme cases there are health risks that need to be addressed. Constipation is a fairly common condition resulting in a person’s inability to completely empty their bowels, or to pass stools regularly. It can leave your stools small and hard, which in turn can make going to the bathroom for an attempted bowel movement very painful indeed. While the severity of constipation can vary, it is vital that you do everything you can to understand this condition so that you can treat or prevent this condition. Here are a few myths and facts about constipation.
Fact: Constipation can lead to more serious health risks–Whereas constipation for most people can leave them feeling irritable, bloated, and perhaps in a little pain and discomfort, sometimes constipation can be a lot more serious. If left untreated, constipation can lead to more serious digestive health issues including colon cancer.
Myth: It is ok to go days without having a bowel movement – Some people have a bowel movement once, twice, or even three per day, whereas others may instead make a bowel movement every other day. If you are eating 3 meals a day, ideally, you should have 3 bowel movements per day. Going days without having proper bowel movements puts you at risk of reabsorbing toxins that should have left the body.
Fact: Drinking more water can help treat and prevent constipation – One of the most common causes of constipation is dehydration. If you’re constipated, it could simply be down to the fact that you are not drinking enough water. To counter this, increase your water intake and aim for at least 8 large glasses of water per day, if not more. You can also take your body weight, divide it in half and drink at least that amount in ounces of water per day. For example, if you weigh 160 pounds, you should drink at least 80 ounces of water per day.
Myth: Laxatives are a quick fix – When people are constipated, one of the first things they do is reach for the laxatives. Laxatives do obviously work, but they don’t work instantly. Some may take hours, while others may take days. What’s more, if you rely on them too much you’ll find that they could cause you further digestive issues and they can become habit forming.
Fact: Fiber is great for constipation treatment and prevention – If you’re looking for a way of preventing, or treating constipation, you’ll find that dietary fiber is a wonderful solution. Fiber helps to add bulk to the stools which in turn causes the muscles within the colon to contract as the stool increases in size. Both soluble and insoluble fiber help when it comes to constipation, so be sure to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and other foods rich in fiber. When you have increased your fiber intake, be sure to also increase your water intake. Too much fiber and not enough water can also lead to constipation.

Myth: Holding it in doesn’t matter – A lot of people seem to think that holding in a stool doesn’t matter when it comes to constipation. It does! If you need to go to the bathroom, this is your body’s way of telling you it wants rid of the stool. Don’t fight the urge, no matter how busy you are. Holding it in can lead to constipation or make it worse.
Fact: First Step Intestinal Cleanse is a great natural treatment – There are plenty of treatments available for constipation, yet First Step Intestinal Cleanse is up there with the best. First Step Intestinal Cleanse is a gentle cleanse. It helps support healthy digestion and gastrointestinal health and function. It has been found to boost immunity and it does NOT strip the colon of vital nutrients needed for optimal colon health and function. Made from all-natural ingredients with nothing artificial, this gluten-free supplement is the real deal.